We’re soon getting to towards the end of this Autumn. In the organizations, the end of the year means planning for next year, and this week’s autumn meeting of Laureamko’s Representative Council was held. The Representative Council is the highest decision-making body of the student body. deciding on the action plan and budget of the student body, which are the main documents guiding the activities.

Many big decisions were made at the autumn meeting that affect the future of the student body, the largest of which are related to Laureamko’s finances. Next year, Laureamko will invest e.g. their continuing operations, life after the covid, and the development of advocacy, membership, online community, and activism. In addition, the big theme next year will be to strengthen the finances of the student union.

In recent weeks, the Representative Council has had a lot of discussions about Laureamko’s financial situation, and now the Representative Council obliged next year’s actives to draw up a long-term financial plan for the student union to balance the economy. In addition, the Council of Representatives decided to reduce and partially eliminate next year’s actives’ allowances as part of the economic rebalancing. In addition, the financial management charter was updated in some ways.

The Representative Council also reviewed the campus teams’ plans for next year, this year’s project reports, the board’s news, and elected the student union’s auditors for accounting and operations for next year.

A big thank you to this year’s Representative Council, the Board, the employees of the student union and all the other activists of Laureamko for the work that has been done for all Laurea’s students and the student union this year! The year has been challenging and difficult decisions have had to be made, but the direction is upwards and Laureamko will continue to operate as a strong community of all Laurea students.

Silja Nurmi,
President of the Council Representatives 2021