FAQ about membership and Slice spring 2019
If you have any questions about membership or our student card in Slice, look if there is any help on questions below. If not, then you can found us at chat or via email through...
Finnish Student Sport Federation news 1/2019
Laureamko is member of Finnish Student Sport Federation (later just OLL) and if you're our member you are too member of OLL. Here is this year the first newsletter from them. New year and new board...
Enrolment for the late spring studies begins tomorrow
Enrolment begins Enrolment for the late spring studies begins on Monday 4th of February at 8.00 and ends on Sunday 10th of February at 23.59. The enrolment is done through the student's desktop...
JAMKO joins our membership register
Student Union Laureamko brought into use a shared membership register with ASK, HUMAKO, Helga, Metka and TUO in 2018. During spring 2019, the Student Union JAMKO from Jyväskylä will join the...
Stress-free Zone for international students
This spring will be arranged wellbeing group for international students at Metropolia University of Apllied Sciences, Myyrmäki Campus. Group is open for all international students studying in Laurea...
Our online store is now
Our partner and the service provider of our online store has changed their name and concept to The service has been updated, but tickets, events, products and memberships can...