Get your Slice early!

Are you a member of Laureamko? Great! If your membership continues on spring 2019, you are able to take early start on our new student card. Slice is a mobile student card which is loaded into your mobilephone. In addition to the student card you’ll find lots of...

Our members get Slice in January

We reported in our news on October, that the our student card changes from Frank to mobile student card Slice on 1.1.2019. It will be worth paying attention to the changing of the student card when you renew your membership in January. The Slice app is loaded into a...

Year 2018 prizes and awards

As traditionally, different prizes and awards are given at Laureamko’s Annual Ball. This year at the annual ball 8th of December also badge of merits were given.   Congratulations to all the winners!   Scholarship of Laurea’s President Roope...

Orientation of the board 2019

Laureamko’s board for the year 2019 will be chosen next week and already in the last week of November the new board begins their orientation. The objective of the orientation is to give the tools for the following year to the recently elected board. The orientation of...

Me for the Board of Laureamko?

Do you want to be in the Board of Laureamko? What Board? The Board of Laureamko consists of a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a maximum of 8 Board members. The Board is often divided into two teams – advocacy team and service team. Usually the chairperson leads...