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You are welcome to be a part of
Laureamko supports students through the student life. The Student Union influences and is a part of different working groups affecting Laurea on all levels.
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You are welcome to be a part of
Laureamko supports students through the student life. The Student Union influences and is a part of different working groups affecting Laurea on all levels.


Actors for year 2019 has been chosen

Student Union of Laurea Univeristy of Applied Siences Laureamko Council of Representatives had organizing meeting today on 22nd of November in Tikkurila. In meeting Council selected Presidents and...

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Orientation of the board 2019

Laureamko’s board for the year 2019 will be chosen next week and already in the last week of November the new board begins their orientation. The objective of the orientation is to give the tools...

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Me for the Board of Laureamko?

Do you want to be in the Board of Laureamko? What Board? The Board of Laureamko consists of a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a maximum of 8 Board members. The Board is often divided into two...

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Results of the elections are here!

Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences has arranged elections for the Council of Representatives from 31st October to 7 th of November. Fifteen (15) members and fifteen (15) vice...

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