Get your student discount on public transportation!
Autumn semester has started and to a lot of us it means more time spend in public transportation. But did you know that you could get student discount from HSL(Helsinki Regional Transport...
Enrollment for CampusOnline autumn 2019 – Study wherever best suits you! Missing some credits? Are you in a hurry to graduate? Interested in courses that are currently not available in your own university of applied...
The checklist for new students
The next semester starts at the end of this month and for a lot of people it also means the beginning of a new school. What things should a new student take into account when they start in a new...
Joys of the rainy day!
This year the summer of Finland has been cherish people. 10 days weather promises nice summer weather and only little rain. When I write this, it feels a bit funny to tell readers tips about the...
Student, see how the new Government Programme affects you!
1) Some improvements to students social security Even though the Government Programme promises to develop the student’s social security, it is quite unfortunate that, despite the promises of many...
The student’s rights and duties in working life
Four of five students will work during her studies at some stage. Particularly the working life calls several students during the summer. Summer jobs are a way to fund studying during the academic...