Actors for year 2023 have been selected!

Student Union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences Laureamko’s Council of Representatives had their organizing meeting 15th of November at Tikkurila campus. In the meeting Council selected Presidents and board for this year. President of the Council for year 2022...

The election results for 2023 are here

The registeration as a candidate for the council elections of Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences Laureamko has ended on October 12th. The candidates formed two electoral alliances: La’SOTE with eight candidates and Aktiiviset Laurealaiset with five...

Laureamko supports you through mail also!

Is the campus team office of Laureamko not open just when you are at the campus? Or are you perhaps a student of the digital campus and you live hundreds of kilometers away from the campus? No worries! Laureamko’s web shop is in service around the...

Answer the Student Union’s Wellbeing Survey!

Student at Laurea, answer the Student Union’s wellbeing survey! This spring, Laureamko is looking into the state of students’ wellbeing and mental health. The last couple of years have been challenging for students, and we want to know how the pandemic has...