Candidate Gallery

Get to know the candidates of Representative Council Election and remember to vote 30.10.-6.11.2020. On this page cadidates tell about themselves and their goals for the next year. La’SOTE 2 Janita Aaltonen Hey everyone! My name is Janita Aaltonen. I’m a first...

Apply to the board of Laureamko!

What is the board? The Board of Laureamko consists of a chairperson, a vice chairperson and a maximum of eight board members. The board leads Laureamko’s activities with instructions from the representative council. The board is responsible for the plan of...

What is the student health care reform?

Student health care will go through changes at the beginning of 2021 when The Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS) (in Finnish YTHS) will begin to provide services also for students of polytechnic universities (like Laurea). These changes will only affect degree...

Are you the next coordinator for Zone’s ball sport?

Are you excited about ball sports and interested in developing the sports services of Zone? Apply to the role of Ball Sport Coordinator! Ball Sport Coordinators act as a liaison between people playing in the Ball Sport sessions and the service designers of Zone. The...