What board is doing? The advocacy team edition!

The previous blog talked about the tasks of the board members of the service team, but how about the advocacy and influence work?   The advocacy team is led by the chairman or vice chairman. Running a team includes chairing meetings as well as staying informed about...

What board members do? Service team edition!

Soon it’s time to choose a new board for Laureamko for next year. But what is the board and what are they doing?   The board includes the chairman, vice chairman and 3-8 members. The board members are Laurea’s students. The board will be divided into...

Experience of the year as a student representative

I became a student representative right in the early stages of my studies in the fall of 2019. I have acted in both groups; working life panel as a real member and degree development group as an alternate member. I applied to be a student representative a year ago...

News of the Representative Council meeting

The Student Union Representative Council met on Tuesday 22 September at Hyvinkää campus for its eighth meeting of the year. The meeting was short, but the issues to be discussed were all the more important. At the beginning of the meeting, the board’s doings...