First meeting of the Representatives Council 2020

Next Monday Lauremko’s representatives council 2020 will have their first meeting, in other words organizing meeting. All members of Laureamkon are welcome to the meeting. The meeting is arranged on the campus of Tikkurila in the room B303 on 18.11. at 5pm. At...

Apply to Central Election Committee

Year 2019 draws to an end. Representatives Council Elections of Laureamko were held and the new council will have its first meeting on 18th of November. In that meeting new board and chair of the council will be chosen. We wouldn’t be here without the months of...

Election analysis – New Council of Representatives

Results of the representatives election were decided yesterday. Total of 303 votes were given during elections and voting percent was 12,6 %. Fifteen (15) members and six (6) vice members were chosen to form the Council for the year 2020. Voting in the elections was...

The results for the elections are here!

Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences has arranged elections for the Council of Representatives from 30th of October to 6th of November 2019. Fifteen (15) members and six (6) vice members were chosen and they will form the Council for the year 2020....

The board of SAMOK for year 2020 has been chosen

Union of Finland’s student unions – SAMOK’s board for the year 2020 has been chosen. The student unions around Finland assembled to general assembly in Helsinki on 31.10.-1.11. General assembly decided in addition to the board members on political programme, plan of...