Extremerun tickets with student discount

Helga, METKA and Laureamko will be offering Extremerun tickets with a huge student discount (-50%)! 1. Buy your affordable ticket from bailataan.fi 2. Arrive on time, you’ll get your race number with your name 3. Enjoy the event About the event,...

Restful afternoons on Espoo and Tikkurila campuses

Laurea’s well-being workers, study psychologist Minna Roininen and educational institution pastor Margit Peltovirta keep Restful afternoons. Events are open to all Laurea students and staff. “Restful afternoons on Espoo and Tikkurila campuses Feeling tired...

The municipal elections are coming – Are you ready?

The municipal elections are here again. The municipal elections will be held every fourth year and in them the delegates are chosen for four years at a time to the councils of municipalities. The local council makes the decisions on the operation and economy of the...