Use your voice: Laureamko’s election is on now!
Do you want to change your student union? Do you care who decides how your membership fee is used? As a member of Laureamko you are entitled to vote in the Council of representatives’ election. By...
Election blog: Ransut
Us Ransut are six Laurea University of Applied Sciences students running in the Laureamko representatives election 2017. We are a whole new party in the election field in Laurea. In Ransut we have...
Check your right to vote – and use it!
Check your right to vote… Laureamko’s Central Electoral Committee confirmed the list of voters in their meeting yesterday. 3300 members are entitled to vote in the representatives elections...
Electoral Alliances unlocked
The Election Laureamko's Council of Representatives is close and candidates have already introduced themselves in the election gallery. Now is the turn of the electoral alliances. Laureamko...
Laureamko supports University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK statement about cuts to the housing benefits
The Finnish government has given a proposal to the parliament that effectively would cut the housing benefits for people living in apartments below 20 square meters. This would also affect those who...
Welcome to the Finnish cuisine themed cooking event!
"Hyvät Martat is an organization operating within the Student Union of University of Helsinki and the Martha organization. The Martha organization is a Finnish home economics organization dealing...