Miisa Tervala elected to SAMOK’s Board 2021

The Union of Finland’s student unions – SAMOK’s board for the year 2021 has been chosen and our president of the board 2020 Miisa Tervala has been elected! The student unions around Finland assembled for a general assembly in Zoom on 29.-30.10. The General assembly...

Laureamko is cancelling events

Laureamko has been following the development of the corona situation during this fall. The infection rates have been going up again especially in the capital area, so we have had to re-evaluate our functions for the rest of this year. The board of Laureamko has had a...

Laureamko is Looking for Student Representatives

Laureamko is looking for student representatives from October 1st to October 31st. These representatives students’ voices heard in all levels of Laurea UAS and have the opportunity to advocate for changes and improvements in their own studies and in the studies of...

Guidelines for campaigning

Guidelines for campaigning for candidates and electoral alliances  In the election of the Council of Representatives campaign it’s important to follow this Guideline for campaigning and Laureamko’s Guideline for elections as well as good manners. The student union...

Do you feel like as a continuing student you forget to take care of the essentials? Here’s a checklist for a continuing student, that can help you make sure that the start of autumn goes well for yourselves! Laureamko membership: Visit...