Laureamko’s May Day 2017 is coming!

Laureamko proudly presents for the first time in the history Laureamko’s very own May Day! Get your own Wappu pass from your campus office or (5 € members, 9 € non-member) and join our events during the May Day season. Together we will create our very own...

Equal Laureamko

“The Discrimination-free Zone campaign is an information campaign to combat any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment. It enables organisations and work communities to declare their commitment to the principle of non-discrimination. Declaring a...

Come to the board!

Do you have the urge to affect? Are you interested in developing services for students now and in the future? Are you looking for experiences you won’t necessarily get from the lectures? If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you are the person we...

Restful afternoons on Espoo and Tikkurila campuses

Laurea’s well-being workers, study psychologist Minna Roininen and educational institution pastor Margit Peltovirta keep Restful afternoons. Events are open to all Laurea students and staff. “Restful afternoons on Espoo and Tikkurila campuses Feeling tired...