Laureamko presents: Saana Simonen to SAMOK’s board

Student Union of Laurea UAS represent Saana Simonen to the board of Union of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK for year 2018. Saana is a board member is Laureamko and a part of advocacy team. She has also actively developed Laureamko’s communications....

Work-based learning in Laurea

We talked with the lecturer Minna Fred about work-based learning.   Fred teaches on the service innovation modul on the Leppävaara campus of Laurea. The modul is obligatory for every student in Leppävaara and it is based on work-based learning.   Work-based...

Laureamko goes camping with the Degree-students

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”8229″][dt_gap height=”30″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]A chance to get to know other students from the Laurea degree programs outside of the...

New student – Congratulations!

For the ones, who applied to study in the spring, the wait is now over, as the results came. And you, the new student of Laurea: Congratulations for a good place to study in! After you’ve done all the official stuff (for example accepted the study place and brought...