Check your right to vote…

Laureamko’s Central Electoral Committee confirmed the list of voters in their meeting yesterday. 3300 members are entitled to vote in the representatives elections 8.11.-15.11.

All members of Laureamko are entitled to vote. If you have a valid sticker on your student card or working Frank App in your phone, you should be able to vote. If you are not sure, you can check your membership and right to vote by sending your student number to [email protected]. Claims for corrections to the electoral register must be made in writing to the Central Election Committee to address [email protected] latest 6th of October 10 am.

and use it!

Vote in the representatives elections is electric. Links for voting will be send to the e-mail addresses when votings starts on 8th of November.

I you don’t get the link or it doesn’t work, contact the Central Electoral Committee [email protected] or the Executive Director at once.

Virtual ballot boxes close on 15th of Novemer at noon, so remember to vote in time!