Behind the scenes: The first month as Executive Director

“I started working as Executive Director of Laureamko 16th of January that is, almost exactly a month ago. Getting to know Laurea and Laureamko over the past weeks have felt a little like my freshman year. Days have been full of new people, new places and...

Laurea’s Network to Get Work event will be soon

Do you want to find your dream job? A placement that could become a job? Come and find it in the Network to Get Work event. In the event you also have the possibility to discuss thesis and project topics with the companies.   There will be two event: 31.1....

The new executive director is chosen

Laureamko’s new executive director, Mari Lehtoruusu, starts working for us the 16th of January in the year 2017. Mari was the president of the board in the Student Union of the University of Helsinki in the year 2015.   Mari is looking forward to her new job in...