Results of the Representatives Election!

Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences has arranged elections for the Council of Representatives from 8th to 15th of November. Fifteen (15) members and thirteen (13) vice members were chosen to form the Council for the year 2018. Most popular candidate...

Election blog: Ransut

Us Ransut are six Laurea University of Applied Sciences students running in the Laureamko representatives election 2017. We are a whole new party in the election field in Laurea. In Ransut we have four Hospitality Management students and two Social Services students....

Check your right to vote – and use it!

Check your right to vote… Laureamko’s Central Electoral Committee confirmed the list of voters in their meeting yesterday. 3300 members are entitled to vote in the representatives elections 8.11.-15.11. All members of Laureamko are entitled to vote. If you have a...

Electoral Alliances unlocked

  The Election Laureamko’s Council of Representatives is close and candidates have already introduced themselves in the election gallery. Now is the turn of the electoral alliances. Laureamko has offered opportunity for all alliances to write an blog post...