
Student tutor is there to help and guide and to be the best friend of the new students. You as a Laurea student have an opportunty to get to guide new degree and exchange students!

What being a Laureamko’s tutor means

Tutor’s can be recognised from their pink shirts that have the tutor logo on them and of course from their positive and easy to approach attitude.

Tutor’s main tasks include:

  • helping new students to get accustomed to Laurea
  • leading new students to student life
  • helping to form a good group spirit
  • helping with exchange students’ arrival matters
  • planning the campus orientation with campus’ own international coordinator
  • arranging activities and events, such as The Freshers´ Party, with other Laureamko actives.


Tutoring training is a very practical 

Tutoring training is made up of one semester long training period and one semester long tutoring of the new degree and exchange students.

The training period consists of campus specific contact meetings, different tasks and the tutor camp arranged by Laureamko!

During the training the tutors choose a tutor representative from amongst the group, who acts as a coordinator and a contact between the tutors and Laureamko’s tutoring team. This tutor representative is aware how tutoring is happening on their campus.

Tutors are expected to keep a record of their activities, assignments and all of their gained competence by compiling a portfolio during their tutoring. After the tutoring has been done properly the tutor can use the portfolio to apply for five study credits. These study credits can be on top of all other credits and they will not exclude you from attending any other study unit.

The learning outcomes of the Tutoring can be found here.


How to apply to become a tutor?

Laureamko arranges the tutor recruitment twice a year. All tutor applicants will be interviewed during the application process.

Need more information?
Contact the Tutoring Team [email protected] or the specialist in charge of tutoring

Yhteisöasiantuntija | Tuutorointi, kampustiimit, kansainvälisyystoiminta | Community specialist | Tutoring, campus teams, international activities

Annika Sievinen

Yhteisöasiantuntija | Tuutorointi, kampustiimit, kansainvälisyystoiminta | Community specialist | Tutoring, campus teams, international activities