The Council of Representatives of Laureamko has re-organized

The Council of Representatives had an organizing meeting on Monday 30.8. and has re-organized for the remainder of the year. 

The new president is Silja Nurmi (La’SOTE) and vicepresident is Katja Menschakoff (La’SOTE).

“I’m grateful for the trust of the council and getting the chance to act as chairperson for the rest of the year. We have big decision in the making, i.e. documents guiding Laureamkos actions for the next year and it’s really inspiring to get to lead the Council of Representatives in making them” comments Silja.

The Council of Representatives continues their work with this line-up until the end of their term. The new Council for the year 2022 is elected 27.10. – 3.11. You can sign up as a candidate until 30.9. Read more on our website