Laurea University of Applied Sciences’ student union Laureamko proposes Sanni Koivuluoma as a member of the Board of the National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences – SAMOK for the year 2024

SAMOK is a nationwide student advocacy organization whose purpose is to improve the position of students in society and also to support student unions throughout the country in their activities.

Sanni is studying criminal corrections at Laurea University of Applied Sciences and has started her active career as a tutor in Laureamko, and after that has been on the board since 2022. In 2023, Sanni acts as the Vice-president of the Board and is in charge of the Advocacy Team.

At SAMOK, Sanni feels that the most important area of influence right now is the students’ livelihood. Cuts in housing allowances, index freezes on student grants and the increase in the number of loans mean that students are becoming even more exhausted as concerns about their livelihoods rise. He hopes that students will be valued more highly and that studies will be seen as the main job of the student.

Another theme Sanni wants to emphasize is equality. Together with the Laureamkos advocacy team, Sanni has been able to promote equality, for example by adding an equality section to the online student orientation. In addition, Sanni has acted as a voice for students in her own degree’s development group, the student well-being development group, the teaching and guidance development group, the education management group and many more places!

“Safety, inclusion and active citizenship is built on diversity and equality. At SAMOK, I want to promote the work already started by the student unions as ambassadors of equality, and also play my part in making SAMOK’s work more equal and accessible to people from all backgrounds.” Sanni states in her nomination letter

Jouni Koski, President and CEO of Laurea University of Applied Sciences, also recommends Sanni for election to SAMOK’s Board for 2024.

“Sanni is an active participant in the student union, whose work is always centered around student wellbeing and the development of inclusion in Laurea. In addition to being a board member and vice-chairman of Laureamko, Sanni has been involved in various developmnet groups in our university of applied sciences, in which she has acted in a professional manner as an equal participant, ensuring the student-centeredness in all our developmental work.” – Jouni Koski

Contact information:


Sanni Koivuluoma

[email protected]


President of the board:

Mirko Varpunen

[email protected]