Work-based learning in Laurea
We talked with the lecturer Minna Fred about work-based learning. Fred teaches on the service innovation modul on the Leppävaara campus of Laurea. The modul is obligatory for every student in...
Laureamko goes camping with the Degree-students
[vc_row][vc_column width="1/4"][vc_single_image image="8229"][dt_gap height="30"][/vc_column][vc_column width="3/4"][vc_column_text]A chance to get to know other students from the Laurea degree...
New student – Congratulations!
For the ones, who applied to study in the spring, the wait is now over, as the results came. And you, the new student of Laurea: Congratulations for a good place to study in! After you’ve done all...
Statement from Rectors’ Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences ARENE
The Rectors' Conference of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences ARENE has published a statement ( in finnish only) on 16.6.2017 about dangers of short sightness in the politics of academic...
Laureamko gets a new specialist for marketing and communication
Niina Leppälä, who studies business management, started working as a new specialist for marketing and communication for Laureamko the 22nd of May. “It is great to be able to develop the organisation...
Student who are living on rent can already aply general housing supplement
All of the students are moving in to the general housing supplement in first of August. If you already know your upcoming income in autum, your living costs and the possible person your going to...