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You are welcome to be a part of
Laureamko supports students through the student life. The Student Union influences and is a part of different working groups affecting Laurea on all levels.
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You are welcome to be a part of
Laureamko supports students through the student life. The Student Union influences and is a part of different working groups affecting Laurea on all levels.


Work-based learning in Laurea

We talked with the lecturer Minna Fred about work-based learning.   Fred teaches on the service innovation modul on the Leppävaara campus of Laurea. The modul is obligatory for every student in...

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New student – Congratulations!

For the ones, who applied to study in the spring, the wait is now over, as the results came. And you, the new student of Laurea: Congratulations for a good place to study in! After you’ve done all...

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