Use your vote – Candidates of the Representatives’ election
Do you want to change your student union? Do you care who decides how your membership fee is used? As a member of Laureamko you are entitled to vote in the Council of representatives’ election. By...
There is still time to become a candidate!
"Are you interested in having an impact on the quality of teaching, usage of the student unions money, expanding your networks, want to get new friends or get hands-on experience from running a...
Saana Simonen elected into SAMOK Board 2018
Saana Simonen, board member of Laureamko, has been chosen to the board of University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland (Suomen opiskelijakuntien liitto - SAMOK ry) for the year 2018. The...
Member, order yourself a free hostel card
SAVE, WHILE TRAVELLING! PICK HI MEMBERSHIP CARD NOW FOR FREE! Finnish Hostel Association donates free HI membership cards for Laureamko members. Value of the card is 15 €. With the HI membership...
The election of the council of representatives of the student union of Laurea Uniersity of Applied Sciences 2018
Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences will have the election of the Council of Representatives from 8th to 15th of November 2017. In the election 30 student union members, 15...
Laureamko presents: Saana Simonen to SAMOK’s board
Student Union of Laurea UAS represent Saana Simonen to the board of Union of Applied Sciences Students in Finland – SAMOK for year 2018. Saana is a board member is Laureamko and a part of advocacy...