Freshman dictionary


Annual Ball – Annual Ball is an event celebrating the anniversary of e.g. Laureamko.

Appro – Pub crawl event where students have to drink certain amount of drinks to get their ‘degree’. For their accomplishment participants receive a great overall patch.


Board – Board members (Laurea students and members of the student union) are responsible for Laureamko’s operations on every level. Members are chosen by the Council of Representatives at the end of the year for the next calendar yea


Campus team – Laureamko has a campus team on every Laurea’s campus which e.g. arrange events and make sure Laureamko’s services operate correctly on their campus.

Council of Representatives – The ultimate authority in Laureamko. Chosen by student elections every fall.

Coveralls – Student’s official wear for almost any student event.

Coverall etiquette – Coverall guide for freshman wearing coveralls.

Coverall patch – A patch that has to be sewed to ones’s coveralls.

Coverall Baptism – A fun checkpoint event right before the May Day, where one has to accomplish the checkpoints and then make an coverall oath. Then one becomes officially approved coverall wearer.

Credit – Measures studying. 1 credit equals approximately 27 hours of studying.


Freshman – In Finnish ‘fuksi’. First year student (exchange students included). Freshmanship lasts 1 year (not to be confused with academic year).

Freshman Party – In Finnish ‘Fuksiaiset’. Biggest event in the beginning of each semester.


Lenni – Laureamko’s penguin mascot. Lenni is always on the move in different Laureamko’s events.


 Sitsit – Nordic academic table party. Drinking, eating and singing is involved. Sitsit usually includes a theme.

Sillis – Morning brunch-like after party for the after party of sitsit or annual ball

Slice – Laureamko’s mobile student card. In Slice app you can find a number of discounts and benefits for students.

Sports Pass – Broadest sports service for UAS student in Finland. Available at Laureamko’s Tikkurila, Otaniemi and Leppävaara offices.

Staff – People working for Laureamko. Staff members in Laureamko are specialists of different fields.

Student union – Student union’s existence is written in the law. In Laurea UAS student union is Laureamko.


Thesis – one of the last tasks before graduating in UAS.

Tutor – Laurea’s student who is trained by Laureamko. Guides and helps freshmen. You can recognise a tutor a by tutor patch on their overall’s left thigh area and tutor T-shirt.


Vox box – Laureamko’s official feedback channel on the website. Find it here