by Riku Simola | Sep 2, 2021 | News, Yleinen
The Council of Representatives of Laureamko has re-organized The Council of Representatives had an organizing meeting on Monday 30.8. and has re-organized for the remainder of the year. The new president is Silja Nurmi (La’SOTE) and vicepresident is Katja Menschakoff...
by Riku Simola | Sep 2, 2021 | News, Yleinen
THE ELECTION OF THE COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STUDENT UNION OF LAUREA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences will have the election of the Council of Representatives on 27th Of October to 3rd of November. In the...
by Laureamko | Apr 12, 2021 | Yleinen
Do you know a great teacher who’s online courses have a lot of interaction? A teacher that is easy to talk to or ask a question? Did the teacher of your last course make everyone talk and share their opinion? Does your degree program have a teacher who deserves to be...
by Laureamko | Mar 3, 2021 | Yleinen
Laurea’s student counselling psychologist Manne Pyykkö will take over Laureamko’s Instagram stories this Friday! Manne will tell our followers about the work Laurea’s three student counselling psychologists are doing. You will also hear about the...
by Laureamko | Nov 17, 2020 | Yleinen
Degree students at universities of applied sciences will be transferred to Finnish Student Health Service FSHS healthcare on 1 January 2021. This means that our students will receive all their student healthcare from the FSHS. Oral health services are the most...
by Riku Simola | Nov 4, 2020 | News, Yleinen
Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences has arranged elections for the Council of Representatives from 28th of October to 4th of November 2020. Fifteen (15) members and four (4) vice members were chosen and they will form the Council for the year 2021....