The Election Of The Council Of Representatives 2021

THE ELECTION OF THE COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STUDENT UNION OF LAUREA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences will have the election of the Council of Representatives on 27th Of October to 3rd of November. In the...

we are looking for an executive director!

Laureako University of Applied Sciences students union Laureamko is looking for an executive director for a temporary family leave substitute for October 25, 2021 – October 31, 2022. Laureamko is a statutory community of Laurea students, whose mission is to...

Laurea students kilometer competition team!

We challenge Laurea’s students to a kilometer competition, so take part too! We have decided to start a team for the Kilometric competition 2021. Our team is called′′ Laurean Opiskelijat “.   Participants in the kilometer competition mark cycling...