Students’ Mental Health Day 18 April 2018

This spring is organizing the first ever national campaign for Students’ Mental Health Day! The Mental Health Day is on Wednesday 18 April and the campaign around it will run from 9 to 20 April 2018. The purpose is to spark debate on students’ mental health and invite...

Laureamko supports secondary education

We live in an era, when almost 15% of our citizens haven’t completed their secondary education before turning 25. The share is even greater in youth of low-income families, and according to studies the careers of our citizens without degree from secondary education...

The new advocacy specialist is chosen

Laureamko’s new advocacy specialist, Ainomaija Rajoo, starts working on 1st of February. Ainomaija has previously worked in her student association so she has experience about student advocacy. “It’s great to take part in promoting the interests of students...