Union of Finland’s student unions – SAMOK’s board for the year 2019 has been chosen. The student unions around Finland assembled to general assembly in Lahti in 12.-13.10. General assembly decided in addition to the board members on political programme, plan of action and budget of the union. We will publish blog post on other decicions during next week.

This year there was two amazing candidates from Laureamko to the board of SAMOK, Saana Simonen and Silja Nurmi, which however did not become chosen this time. “Applying for SAMOK’s board has been an uncredible journey. Even though the place did not open for me this time, the experience is not wasted. During the campaign I became acquainted for many kinds of people and going out of my comfort zone really boosted my confidence”, Saana states. “Influencing on themes that are important for me – students’ welfare and equality – won’t end here. During the campaign I have found new strengths and belief in them from myself”, Silja mentions.


In SAMOK’s board in 2019 are Iiris Hynönen (O’Diako) as the chairman, Liisa Hyytiäinen (HAMKO) as a vice-chairman and as members of the government Joel Vierikko (VAMOK), Anton Salenius (Helga), Otto Rosenlunf (Metka) and Ella Joukkola (SAVOTTA). Laureamko congratulates all the chosen and waits eagerly for the cooperation with SAMOK during of the elections next year for the students’ better future!