The study grant and its provider supplement are taxable income. This means that if you have income from other sources as well, you will also have to pay tax on your study grant. If you have other taxable incomes, your study grant must be taken into account when tax is withheld on them

There will be a slight change. As of January 2019 withholding tax will no longer be deducted from the study grant. This means that the entire study grant amount will be paid into your account. If you have already submitted a revised tax card to Kela for 2018, tax will be withheld on your income in January 2019 based on that tax card, and withholding tax will no longer be deducted starting from February 2019.

However, if you would still like withholding tax to be deducted from your study grant, you can notify Kela of the withholding rate you wish to be applied. You can notify Kela of the rate to be applied by sending a message via Kela’s online customer service (in Finnish). Under ‘Aihe’, select ‘Opiskelijan tuet’ and then ‘Opintotuki’. Or, you can call Kela’s telephone service or visit one of Kela’s customer service points.

More information on Kela’s website