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brilliant team!

Does helping others inspire you?
Want to help create a sense of community for online studies?
Want to meet awesome people from Finland and all around the world?
Want to upkeep your English?

Thank you for all the applicants!

Thank you for all who applied to become a tutor! We will send all the applicants an email about the selections during week 21.

You can apply to become a tutor even if you don´t speak Finish.

To apply to become a tutor, fill in the Student Union application form, which you will find in the sidebar of this page. All applicants will be interviewed during the application process. Once you have completed the application form, you will need to book an interview time that suits you. Interviews will be conducted in group interviews on campus and remotely. If you are unable to attend the interview, please inform the tutor team at [email protected].

Students of all ages are welcome to apply. Applications are open to all fields of study and all campuses. Tutors must be a member of the student union for the duration of their training and tutoring.

Tutors selected this spring will be trained during fall 2024 semester and actual tutoring will take place on January 2025. Read more about tutoring here.

Online student! Did you know you can act as a Digital tutor for the new online freshmen? Physical attendance is not mandatory except during the orientation days of the new students. You can apply as a Digital tutor with the same application form.

Tutor interviews

Participating  an interview is a requirement for selection as a tutor, but you are not required to schedule an interview on your campus if you are unable to attend at that time. You can attend the interview at the campus of your choice or remotely. If the interview time coincides with a lecture, you can ask the course lecturer to arrange for you to be absent for part of the lecture for the interview, for example.


Those who have applied during April, can book their interview time here:

Need more information?
Contact the Tutoring Team [email protected] or the specialist in charge of tutoring

Annika Sievinen
Yhteisöasiantuntija | Tuutorointi, kampustiimit, kansainvälisyystoiminta | Community specialist | Tutoring, campus teams, international activities