RaflaRumba Appro 2025 project manager is Krista Alt. According to her own words, Krista, who is a
hospitality bachelor’s student at Laurea, begins the task “with appropriate nerves and enormous
enthusiasm”. Next, we need to find her a project team to do the event with.

Is your heart the home of student events? Are you interested in project style event management? Will you
become the next event social media master? Do you want to have a say in whether an event is “just okay”
or “an absolute gem”?

If you found yourself even slightly in the descriptions above, apply to the RaflaRumba Appro project team!
As a team member you’ll get to design and carry out the 2025 RaflaRumba Appro, represent the brand at
several student events as a taskpoint host and other interesting tasks. We appreciate experience in event
management and social media, but the most important qualities are willingness to learn and excitement to
carry the project through to the end.

Send your application to [email protected] by Sunday June 2nd 2024. Include information about
yourself and any possible prior experience and what you would most like to do during the project. Also tell
us a little about your schedule during autumn 2024 and spring 2025