welcome to become a part of
Laureamko supports students during studies and improves students wellbeing with Laurea. Laureamko’s office serves you at every campus with our great Laureamko actors. Want to know about all the best new student card discounts, events and other interesting news? Like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and check our website
Your tutors wish you welcomed to Laurea!
Laureamko’s tutors also want to welcome you to Laurea, check out their greeting below!
Each campus has its own student tutors, who are there to help and support new students, especially during the orientation weeks, which we call the Pink weeks. The tutors help new students get involved in student life and organize events and activities for new students, such as the final event of the Pink Weeks.
You find a link to your starting group´s Telegram group below. The groups are run by tutors and will give you a chance to get to know your tutors and other future classmates in advance. You can also ask your tutors for help and find out about the events of the semester.
Congratulations again, see you at the start of your studies!
Your Student Union
What is Laureamko?
The Student Union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences is also known by the name Laureamko. Every university of applied sciences has a student union which protects the interests of all students. All the students of Laurea can join the student union by paying a membership fee and all members get a student card (acts as an official testimony of being a student). When you are our member, you have even better best time of your life when you are studying in Laurea!
Laureamko’s duty is also to make sure the quality of education and student wellbeing is secured and to offer services for the students. Laureamko organizes events and often works as a stepping stone for active students interested in advocacy. Laureamko has an office and actives on every Laurea Campus. All our offices are open for every one so you can come there to say hello, meet new people or just hang out. Opening hours can be found here on our website. We have excellent services and we help you where ever you are: Laureamko Chat helps you on our website and from our online store you can buy e.g. coverall patches or renew your membership.
How to join Laureamko?
You can join Laureamko after you got your student number. More info about student number and Laurea user account is here.
Join Laureamko and enjoy the best time of your life with our services! It’s easy to join.
- Go to buy the correct membership from here (sale for the autumn semester 2022 starts on August 1)
- Scroll down and select Memberships: Laureamkon jäsenyys / Membership of Laureamko.
- Log in to the web store with your Facebook account or with previously created Kide.app account. If you haven’t made an account yet, you can create one by clicking “Create an account”.
- Select the membership you want and fill out the application form.
- After filling out the application form you can go and pay the membership that you have selected. Before the payment you can also continue shopping in the web store and get other products such as tickets to the next student event or delivery for the Zone Sport Pass (includes the membership, read more below) at the same time.
- After this you can start using our digital student card, Slice (more info about Slice here). Note: the Slice app doesn’t need Finnish social security number, just the membership, email and student number.
Prices and validity of memberships:
- 4 years membership 129 € (valid until 30.9.2028)
- 3,5 years membership 119 € (valid until 31.1.2028)
- 3 years membership 105 € (valid until 30.9.2027)
- 2 years membership 74 € (valid until 30.9.2026)
- Academic Year 2024-2025 membership 40 € (valid until 30.9.2025)
- Fall semester 2024 membership 30 € (valid until 31.1.2025)
As a member you can buy event tickets and products for member price (up to -50 %) from us and also from our partner student unions (ASK, Helga, HUMAKO, METKA, TUO and O’Diako).
Everything you should know about student culture
Freshman Party is probably the most memorable party of your student life. In Laureamko Freshman Party consists of a day and after party events. During the day event freshmen and the exchange students have a fun checkpoint tour around Helsinki or Kaivopuisto in groups.
Do you want to know more about different student events? Here you can read more about different kinds of events (e.g. Appro aka pub crawl event). Also follow Laureamko on Facebook and Instagram and ask your tutor for more info!
Orientation weeks
During the orientation weeks for new students, Laurea University of Applied Sciences’ student union Laureamko organizes Pink Weeks. The purpose of the weeks is to organize various events and a program for both new and continuing students. The program is organized by tutors, campus teams and Laureamko’s board.
Yogobe – Yoga services online
As a member of the Student Union, you can use Yogobe yoga services for free! As a member, you can order a free code from Laureamko’s online store, which is always valid until the end of January of the following year.
Yogobe is your personal membership benefit through Laureamko, and its value is 19.99 euros per month. With the free code, you can use the following services, among others:
Over 2500 on-demand classes, sessions and lectures
Weekly classes LIVE-online
Over 30 need specific programs
Popular Challenges
Save offline in app
Create and save you own playlists
An amazing community via Yogobe Community on Facebook
Yogobe can be used by redeeming the Yogobe free code for Laureamko members from our product online store. We will send you the code by email.
You can learn more about Yogobe’s yoga services on social media:
Facebook: Yogobe
Instagram: Yogobe
Zone – Sport Services for our students
As a member of the student union you are entitled to use Zone Sport services with a great discount! As a member you get a Sport Pass for 10 € / semester and 15 € / academic year (for non-members 59 € / semester and 69 € / academic year). It is made to support the active and sporty higher education life, from beginners to athletes. With the sport pass you get to use use nine gyms, 40 hours of instructed classes, discounts from sport courses, free ball games and badminton reservations.
How to get the Sport Pass? Buy your Zone’s Sport Pass from our online store (sales starts on August) and register to be a user at www.zonesports.fi, click the yellow menu “Log in” and create yourself an account. You can activate the sport pass in the nearest Zone customer service point or buy the delivery for the sport pass from our online store. In Laurea you can get the services in Leppävaara, Otaniemi or Tikkurila campus office. Note! For a lost sport pass we charge 5 €, so be careful with the pass.
Sports Pass (autumn) school staff and non-members 59 € and Gym Pass (autumn) 15€. Buy your now from Laureamko’s offices (Leppävaara, Otaniemi and Tikkurila).
More information and all instructed classes and courses you will find www.zonesports.fi.
You can also find Sports Services from social media:
Facebook: Zone-liikuntapalvelut
Instagram: Zone_liikuntapalvelut
Laurean restonomiopiskelijayhdistys LARE ry is a student association of the hospitality management students of Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Founded in 2016, the association operates on Laurea’s Leppävaara campus. The purpose of the association is to promote the professional identity, cohesion and cooperation of Laurea’s hospitality management students, and to oversee the general, common and social interests of the association’s members. LARE also organises events for students and other interested parties.
Membership of the association is open to students studying for a degree in hospitality management at Laurea University of Applied Sciences. Membership can be purchased on kide.app.
Laurea Tradenomiopiskelijat LATO ry is an association of Laurea business and security students founded in 2003. Our mission is to look after the interests of our members, organise professional events and offer our members various benefits. We also want to provide leisure activities for students and in this way support the networking of students.
Our umbrella organisation is Tradenomiopiskelijat, which is the national organisation for BBA students. We cooperate with Laurea, Laureamko, the associations of other Laurea fields, and other trades students’ associations in the metropolitan area.
Jenkins ry
Laurean Tietojenkäsittelyopiskelijat Jenkins ry is a student association founded in Espoo in 2018. The aim of the association is to support the information technology students of Laurea University of Applied Sciences by providing support, information and motivation for studying. We operate in the Leppävaara and Tikkurila campuses of Laurea University of Applied Sciences. We also participate in events around the capital region.
Laurean Tietojenkäsittelyopiskelijat Jenkins ry – Jenkins ry – kotisivu
ESN Laurea
ESN Laurea is a local section of Erasmus Student Network in Laurea University of Applied Sciences. We aim to promote mobility within studies for all, social inclusion, and to break barriers between native and international students.
Laurea ES
We love entrepreneurship! LaureaES promotes and supports student and alumni entrepreneurship. We welcome everyone to our events and gatherings no matter who you are or where you come from!
Laurean Sosiaalialojen Opiskelijat LASO ry is a new student association for students of social services, correctional social services and rehabilitation counselling at Laurea! The newly founded student association LASO ry was born out of the students’ own desire to improve the community of Laurea’s students in different social fields, as well as to offer events and benefits in the future.
All Laurea students who have just started their studies in the social fields, as well as students who are already further along in their studies, are welcome to become members and actives of the association, that is interested in being involved in building a more community-oriented student culture among students in the social fields!