Students of universities of applied sciences were transferred to student healthcare provided by the Finnish Student Health Service FSHS as of 1 January 2021. On this page, you will find targeted information about the FSHS for students of Laurea University of Applied Sciences.
What is the FSHS?
The Finnish Student Health Service, or FSHS, is a foundation that was founded in the 1950’s and provides student healthcare services. As of 1 January 2021, it will provide student healthcare services in accordance with the Health Care Act for all degree students at universities and universities of applied sciences. The FSHS has 23 service units nationwide, as well as services produced through partners in 30 different locations.
What Services Does the FSHS Offer?
Beginning in January 2021, all degree students at universities of applied sciences will be entitled to the FSHS’s services. The FSHS does not have appointment fees. Services provided by FSHS include:
- Oral health services
- Checkups
- Mental health services
- Imaging studies
- Laboratory services
- Pregnancy prevention and sexual health services
- Vaccinations
Read more about the FSHS’s services: https://www.yths.fi/en/fshs/fshs-2021/equal-student-healthcare-services/

Where Are the FSHS’s Service Units Located?
Laurea’s E- and W-area campuses (Espoo and Tikkurila) are served by the FSHS’s Espoo and Helsinki units. Students from C-area campuses (Lohja, Hyvinkää and Porvoo) will get student healthcare services from Helsinki Töölö service point. Services can be found at the following addresses:
- Helsinki: Töölönkatu 37 & Malmin kauppatie 8
- Espoo: Otakaari 12
- Lohja: Töölönkatu 37
- Hyvinkää: Töölönkatu 37
- Porvoo: Töölönkatu 37
- Vantaa: Töölönkatu 37 & Malmin kauppatie 8
Information About the Student Healthcare Fee
Students must pay a healthcare fee to Kela twice a year, once a semester. The fall semester’s fee can be paid starting in August and it is due September 30th. The fee is EUR 35.80 per semester in 2022. Students will not be sent a separate bill. Instead, the payment must be made independently online on Kela’s website. If the payment is late, Kela will add a five-euro late fee and send a payment reminder.
You can find instructions for paying the healthcare fee here: https://www.kela.fi/web/en/how-to-pay-the-student-healthcare-fee-in-higher-education
The health care fee is essentially a tax and is therefore not tied to the use of the FSHS’s services. 77% of the FSHS’s funding comes from the state and the remaining 23% is made up of the healthcare fees paid by students. The fact that each student contributes to the funding of student healthcare services through the healthcare fee ensures that the cost of healthcare does not become too high for any individual student.
Booking an Appointment
See the FSHS website to book your appointment: https://www.yths.fi/en/using-services/booking-appointment/
Questions about the FSHS
What do I benefit from the FSHS’s services?
The FSHS has been providing student healthcare services to university students for decades, and from the beginning of 2021, UAS students will begin receiving the same care. As the nation’s leading expert in student healthcare and well-being, the FSHS provides high-quality healthcare services tailored to the needs of students. Students themselves have the opportunity to influence these services through student unions and the FSHS’s own student feedback network.
FSHS also produces research data and co-operates with universities and UAS’s to develop student well-being. These responsibilities are mandated by law and benefit all students!
It is worth getting acquainted with the FSHS’s services even if you have access to occupational healthcare. Few occupational healthcare plans include dental services, which the FSHS offers free of charge. This is an example of a good opportunity to utilize the FSHS’s services. Consider getting acquainted with the FSHS’s service to see if they offer something you may benefit from!
Am I entitled to the FSHS’s services?
If you are a degree student at Laurea, yes.
My arm is broken. Can I go to the FSHS?
No, the FSHS does not have an emergency room. Go to the emergency room.
Should I even bother trying to get an appointment in the spring? Won’t all the UAS students requesting appointments congest the system?
The FSHS has kept most of its spring appointments unfilled, so they will essentially be starting from a clean slate in January. There will be plenty of free appointments for UAS students as well. Hopefully the expansion will be a smooth transition, but the FSHS is prepared to recruit additional staff in the spring in case of services being overwhelmed.
I graduate in the middle of the semester. Do I have to pay the full semester’s healthcare fee?
You do, but you can also continue using the FSHS’s services after graduation until the end of the semester.
I am an exchange student, who provides my healthcare?
Exchange students from outside the EU / ETA are required to have private healthcare insurance and receive care based on their insurance from a private provider.
Students from the EU / ETA, Switzerland or the United Kingdom can use the services of FSHS with a valid European Health Insurance Card. Send a copy of your card to Kela.
I live and study in different cities and would rather use the FSHS service unit where I live. Is this possible?
The FSHS recommends students use the service station in the municipality where they study. However, exceptions can be made and you should contact the FSHS to see if you can use a closer service unit.
I have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country or in Switzerland or the United Kingdom. What do I do?
If you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country or in Switzerland or the United Kingdom, you do not have to pay the healthcare fee. Thus you can use the FSHS’s services.
Send Kela a copy of your valid European Health Insurance Card or other document showing that you have social security coverage in one of the above countries. Send it well in advance of the due date for the fee. For more information, visit Kela’s sites.
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