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You are welcome to be a part of
Laureamko supports students through the student life. The Student Union influences and is a part of different working groups affecting Laurea on all levels.
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You are welcome to be a part of
Laureamko supports students through the student life. The Student Union influences and is a part of different working groups affecting Laurea on all levels.


Summer opening hours for offices

Summer is coming, and with it the opening hours of Laureamko offices will be changed. Most of the offices have already began their summer holiday during this week, but offices in Leppävaara and...

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This is.. feedback campaign

Did you know that you got a chance to affect? You know it is going to be summer soon. Before holiday you might have some things on your bucket list, such as giving feedback of the course? As student...

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Spring meeting is here!

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/4"][dt_quote type="blockquote" font_size="normal" background="plain" animation="bottom"]To kill time, spring meeting is the perfect weapon. ― Author...

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Are you the one we are looking for?

[vc_row][vc_column width="1/4"][dt_quote type="blockquote" font_size="normal" background="plain" animation="bottom"]Make someone feel something and you will never be forgotten. ― Charlotte...

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Laureamko Shop and Wappusheriff badge

Laureamko Shop -online store has been opened! In the celebration of May Day and the opining of th online store  you can order 3 overall badges for only 5 - discount available only in Laureamko Shop!...

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Wappu – it’s going to be legen-DARY!

Laureamko is collaborating also this year with Helga's 8-Day May Day even. Don't get it wrong though, Finnish student's Vappu, May Day will be celebrated for 11 days! The grand finale is going to be...

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