Interested in the board of Laureamko?
Are you interested in student wellbeing? Are you an inspiring community developer? Have you pondered how the Student Union could serve students better? Does your heart beat to the rhythm of student...
Laureamko’s election of representatives was a close-run
Results of the representatives election were decided yesterday. Total of 567 votes were given during elections and voting percent was 17,2 %. Fifteen (15) members and thirteen (13) vice members were...
Results of the Representatives Election!
Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences has arranged elections for the Council of Representatives from 8th to 15th of November. Fifteen (15) members and thirteen (13) vice members...
Students of Helsinki metropolitan area: Part-apartment norm needs to be canceled!
Helsinki metropolitan area's student unions' co-operation network World Student Capital has sent an open letter to Members of Parliament from Uusimaa region considering upcoming changes to the...
Use your voice: Laureamko’s election is on now!
Do you want to change your student union? Do you care who decides how your membership fee is used? As a member of Laureamko you are entitled to vote in the Council of representatives’ election. By...
Election blog: Ransut
Us Ransut are six Laurea University of Applied Sciences students running in the Laureamko representatives election 2017. We are a whole new party in the election field in Laurea. In Ransut we have...