I became a student representative right in the early stages of my studies in the fall of 2019. I have acted in both groups; working life panel as a real member and degree development group
as an alternate member.
I applied to be a student representative a year ago because I already had a previous background on influence work in high school, through student union board. I’ve been able to hear even better at the University of Applied Sciences, what’s happening in the field of business degree development. For example, I have been able to bring  up student s’ perspective during the draft of the new business curriculum.
In the working life panel I’ve been able to meet the representatives of working life and Laurea’s alumni and hear their views on what skills are important for future tradenomes. The best part is that student members have been included in the groups really well and opinions have been listened to.
Becoming a student representative doesn’t take much. All you need is the will to make a difference and a few hours of time per year to participate in group meetings. There are usually about two meetings
in the semester, and each meeting usually takes two to three hours. Lack of time Should not become a reason for not becoming a student representative.
 So if you’re interested in influencing your own degree, it’s possible by becoming a student representative, probably the easiest and easiest way to get to do it.
So why don’t you pick it up today
Written by, Anselmi Nousiainen