

We as a student union want that you get as much as possible out of your studies. We organize a variety of events throughout the year at all campuses. Events are supposed to provide an opportunity for fun alongside your studies. Check out the event calendar and come spend time with us. So that you wouldn’t leave this page empty-handed, we wanted to open up to you a few of the best known annual events.

You will find our upcoming events in Facebook.

Fresher’s Party

The Fresher’s Party is organized always in the beginning of the semester twice a year for freshmen. The theme of the freshman party varies every time.

The event consists of a checkpoint tour in Helsinki center and then an afterparty, where the older students are also welcome. Checkpoints are completed in teams the freshman sign-up in.

First Party of the Year & Summer End Party

Before the Fresher’s Party Laureamko organizes the first event of the semester, where freshmen and older students returning from vacation meet. The name of these semester’s first parties vary, but the excellent atmosphere always remains.

Coverall Baptism

In the Coverall Baptism you get your coveralls officially baptised through checkpoints and an official coverall oath. Then you will receive the official Coverall Baptism patch, which will serve you during the whole student life on your coveralls. The Coverall Baptism is an event in which your coveralls are put to test, you’ll learn the official coverall etiquette, pledge an coverall oath and raise a toast.

Laureamko’s May Day

Wappu and the weeks before is the ultimate student party time. During April before May Day (1st of May) Laureamko organizes different kind of events, for example Coverall baptism. On May Day we gather together with the student unions from the metropolitan area to Kaivopuisto and spend the day together.

Annual Ball

The Annual Ball is traditionally the most stylish event of the year. The dresscode is usually dark suit, for women evening dress. After the welcoming toast starts a three-course meal and group singing. 

RaflaRumba Appro

RaflaRumba Appro is a student event founded in 2010, where students tour the bars and restaurants of Helsinki city centre collecting stamps for their appropass. The amount of stamps needed depends on your annual performance limit: how many times you have attended the event before. After collecting the required amount of stamps, participants earn overall patches and afterwards can dance the night away at the afterparty.

Different kind of events


 Pub crawl event where students have to drink certain amount of drinks to get their ‘degree’. For their accomplishment participants receive a great overall patch.

Taskpoint round

Students have to go around and perform fun tasks in a team setting. Teams compete against each other for the best points.


Nordic academic table party. Drinking, eating and singing is involved. Sitz usually includes a theme.