Anni Suvisuo for board member of SAMOK 2017!

The Student Union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences nominates Anni Suvisuo as a board member for University of Applied Sciences Students in Finland SAMOK for 2017. You can find out more about the campaign and nomination from here.

Chat fall ’16

Popular Chat service on our website was launched in the beginning of fall and has been actively used by many. People have been able to ask – just like we promise – anything they like. Chat service is continued with updated schedule: Mon – Thu 9...

Laureamko Shop changes

Laureamko Shop postal fee changes starting 1.10. New postal fee is 1,9 €. Student card stickers and overall patches have been available in Laureamko Shop online store. This is how we make our service even faster for you. If you are ordering a student card sticker for...

Chat doesn’t work now

Laureamko’s chat is temporarly out of use due to technincal issues with our serrvice provider. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

3-day rule in Laurea’s communication

Laurea applies a 3-day rule in its communication. This is a part of Laurea’s new strategy where Laurea promises to meet students as they are and truly care for them. This is excellent news!