The Election Of The Council Of Representatives 2021

THE ELECTION OF THE COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STUDENT UNION OF LAUREA UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Student union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences will have the election of the Council of Representatives on 27th Of October to 3rd of November. In the...

Here is our actors for year 2021!

Laureamko Council of Representatives had organizing meeting on 16st of November. In meeting Council selected Presidents of the Council 2021 and Board for year 2021. Who are those people? We asked for example what they think about choices. Let’s see what they answered!...

Actors for year 2021 has been chosen

Student Union of Laurea University of Applied Sciences Laureamko Council of Representatives had organizing meeting today on 16st of November in Zoom. In meeting Council selected Presidents and board for year 2021. More information about Council of Representatives 2021...