3AMK’s course offering is now complete with nearly 90 competence based courses and roughly a hundred language courses from Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia as well as Aalto University. There are also nine learning lanes of which two are completely in English.
3AMK is a strategic partnership between Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia. 3AMK offers students a chance to take part in courses organized by another university of applied sciences. 3AMK studies consist of competence based course offering, language studies and learning lanes. Primary enrollment is on until June 10th.
Competence based course offering stands for individual courses. There are courses from different fields available. You can choose language studies either from Haaga-Helia, Laurea and Metropolia or from Aalto University. Learning lanes consist of several courses (usually three) and the aim is to gain multidisciplinary competence for working life’s needs. They are 10-15 ECTS.
There is also ICT Summer School organized by Metropolia running in August 2019. ICT Summer School lasts the whole August and course offering varies every week. Courses are intensive implementations.
Discuss with your student counselor whether the course or learning lane is suitable for compulsory studies or elective studies.