Do you feel like as a continuing student you forget to take care of the essentials?

Here’s a checklist for a continuing student, that can help you make sure that the start of autumn goes well for yourselves!
Laureamko membership:
and renew your membership there. Remember to renew your membership in good time before 30.9. Because this is how membership is on time smoothly and Slice won’t have any breaks.
Zone’s sports services:
After renewing membership for spring 2020 you can get the season of your exercise pass here:
Once you’ve updated Zone’s exercise season you can order yourself a Yogobe yoga service code by emailing: [email protected].
Check the study score:
Check your studies progress before Kela’s October monitoring! Please make sure that your studies for last academic year (1.8.2019-31.7.2020) are registered in Pakki by 11.9. Increasing study allowances requires 5 study points for each month of support and at least 20 study points per year. However, monitoring is making elastic due to the corona pandemic. All higher education students will be deducted from 2 months of support from the months raised in the academic year 2019-2020 Months of support will not be reduced in the income control of study aid or from the months of college aid used by the student.
Enrollment for studies:
Remember to tag in your calendar that you have to sign up for your studies on 7.- 13.9.!
Written by, Carita Törhönen