Results of the representatives election were decided yesterday. Total of 641 votes were given during elections and voting percent was 22,6 %. Fifteen (15) members and fifteen (15) vice members were chosen to form the Council for the year 2019. Voting in the elections was organized electronically between 31st of October and 7th of November.

40 candidates and four electoral alliances, Ransut, La’SOTE, EsKot ja Index, participated in the elections. Smallest of the alliances was Ransut with only one candidate. Oher alliances had 12-14 candidates.

Race between bigger alliances was very even. All of them got five seats in the Council. La’SOTE got slim majority of the votes with 25,4 %. Next was Index with 25,3 % of votes and then EsKot with 22,8 %. Last was Ransut with 4 %. Exceptionally many empty votes were given. In the election La’SOTE and Index which were along in the election for the first year did especially well. Perhaps this promises the change in the representatives’ opinions and Laureamkos operations?

In the representatives election most votes went to electoral alliance La’Sote which was formed from social services students and nurse students from different campuses. Altogether five social services students and seven nurse students were chosen as actual representatives or deputies. As traditionally, business students were well represented in the elections and for example six business management students were chosen as actual representatives or deputies. From both hospitality management students and physiotherapy students were chosen only one each. Beauty and cosmetics students had no candidates.

The most of the elected were from Leppävaara which is explained by the size. Otaniemi got the fewest places from the big campuses. From the campuses of the C-area Hyvinkää had was successful and five actual representatives or deputies were elected from there. From Porvoo campus no student was elected and only one was as a candidate.

Vote-puller of the elections was Ingrid Ramberg with 41 votes. “I was suprised by the amount of votes, but the joy of helping others and supporting others paid off. In the Council of Representatives I would like to influence in the paticipations of students in Laureamko and Laurean and increase our community spirit,” Ingrid comments.

Newly elected representatives and vice members of the Council will soon start their work. So how will next year in the Council look like?

Only canditate from Ransut Riku Simola states on his vice membership in the Council: “I want to make tutoring even more attractive and develope co-operation between Laurea and Laureamko on that matter.”

Laura Pöllänen from La’SOTE tells that they intend to support the unifying and equality of campuses next year in teaching and in advocacy. “Furthermore, we want to promote the observation of the students in different situations in life and to bring the social services and nurse students closer to the decision-making”, Laura emphasises.

Maria Räsänen from Index thanks voters and tells that Index is going to work for getting appropriate spaces for students and  student organisations in every campus. “We also intend to concentrate on the unifying of the evaluation of courses especially for internet courses,” Maria continues.

Emmi Lintunen from EsKot thans voters and gratulates other alliances: “ We are proud that you have trust in our alliance for the fifth year in a row. We want to make Laureamko a strong community, where everyone dares to do theings and grow. And we want to support and make possible, that the voice of students is hears and influences in Laureamko and in Laurea.”

If you are interested in the Council of Representatives, you are welcome to join Facebook-group for Laureamko’s Council.


Emme ole paikalla juuri nyt, mutta jätä viesti, niin palaamme asiaan. / Sorry we are away, but we would love to hear from you and chat soon!