National and Municipality-Level


At the national and municipal level, Laureamko works mainly through our umbrella organizations. This means that Laureamko aims to influence these organizations action plans and political agenda.

Umbrella organizations ask their member organizations for opinions and comments on various topics, and Laureamko actively responds to them. The activities of Laureamko’s umbrella organizations are briefly described below.



Union of Students in Applied Sciences-SAMOK is the umbrella organization for all 22 student unions of universities of applied sciences in Finland. SAMOK carries out nationwide advocacy for around 173,000 students. This includes commenting on ongoing legislative processes concerning students, giving statements and representing students in different national and international meetings and decision making bodies. SAMOK also supports Laureamko especially in our advocacy work. SAMOK employs a board of five people and nine employees.

World Student Capital – Students of the  Capital Region

World Student Capital (WSC) conducts research, communicates and influences matters in order to create the best student metropolis in the world! The WSC network consists of the student unions of higher education institutions in the Capital Region. We represent almost 100,000 students and are working for a future where everyone has a home, traffic flows smoothly and services are functional.

The network also cooperates with the cities and higher education institutions of the region as well as with HSL, HOAS and experts to promote better everyday life for students and residents of the city.

The Finnish Student Sports Federation

The Finnish Student Sports Federation (commonly known as OLL) was founded in 1924 and it is a national advocacy and service organisation that works on behalf of Finnish student sports. OLL represents all Finnish students at higher education institutions (students of both Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences). OLL’s primary goal is to promote a healthy lifestyle for all the students, a lifestyle that includes sufficient physical exercise, and to ensure that the students are offered high quality sport services.