for partners
Laureamko is where the student are: on social media, online and present on all campuses in the student’s everyday life. Laurea’s campuses are located in Uusimaa: Hyvinkää, Leppävaara, Lohja, Otaniemi, Porvoo and Tikkurila.
Laurea’s fields of study are beauty & cosmetics, business management, hospitality management & service design, information technology, nursing, physiotherapy, public health nursing, rehabilitation counseling, social services, criminal corrections and safety, security & risk management.
Website thousands of unique clicks over the semesters. Laureamko’s website is visited by around 2000 students every week, with as many as 4000 at the beginning of the semester. Below you can see the opportunities for your company to be visible on Laureamko’s website and thus in the daily lives of students.
- Website blog/news (visibility on Laurea Intranet)
- Front page image banner
- New student page (a link to this page will be distributed to all students starting at Laurea via email)

Toiminnanjohtaja | Hallinto ja talous | Executive Director | Administration and finance
Rami Hollmerus
Student coveralls
Visibility for up to 4 years!
Laureamko produces around 1000 coveralls per year. The student coveralls are visible on the street at various student events throughout the year. By advertising on student coveralls, you are communicating to students in a credible way for your different purposes. At Laurea, student coveralls are determined by the degree and are produced and distributed to students by Laureamko. Laureamko is responsible for the overalls for health care, social fields, business management and beauty & cosmetic students.

Laureamko organises events on different campuses throughout the year. The Spring Freshers’ Party and the Autumn Freshers’ Party are the biggest events of the year for all Laurea new students:
Freshers’ Party, Spring – ( approx. 500 participants for the day event, approx. 700 for the evening party)
Freshers’ Party, Autumn – ( approx. 800 attendees at the day event, approx. 1000 at the evening party)
Collaboration at the event can take the form of sponsorship of product prizes, for example, or as part of a larger collaboration agreement, with visibility in physical and electronic promotional materials. At Freshers’ Party, you can participate by offering something fun or useful to the participants of the day’s events in the form of Goodie Bags given out to the participants.

Social media
Followers + 6 200 (6/2024)
Coverage + 5 500 (6/2024)
Followers + 3 900 (6/2024)
Coverage + 9 700 (6/2024)