Do you want to earn your stripes as the organiser of Finland's fastest growing appro? Are you interested in a responsible role as a developer of student culture? Do you dare to take responsibility...
Laureamko’s Wappu FAQ
Where and when can I get my Wappupass? Wappupasses can be redeemed 26.3.2024 onward from campus offices during their opening hours. Laureamko hands out passes in all Laureamko Wappu events until...
Give us feedback about RaflaRumba Appro!
Did you participate in RaflaRumba Appro? Answer the feedback survey and help us develop the event. A small prize will be drawn among those who answered the survey and left their email! The answers...
Board chair’s experiences of tutoring
Hello! I'm Renja and this year I'm the chair of the Laureamko board, but my path here started as a tutor in autumn 2021. I think I originally applied to be a tutor to find new friends and strengthen...
The overalls of the Student Union are renewed
A significant change is underway in the student Union, as traditional overalls of the same color give way to a new, more individual approach. Students will soon be able to express their degree...
Where to after Laureamko activities?
The Student Union activity is, in a nutshell, rewarding and educational. Every semester, our student actives visit to introduce our work, explain its benefits in the workplace and how much fun it is...